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Discovering the stories behind artists, innovators, educators and creative leaders making an EPIC Impact in our world today.

***The EPIC Impact Society is not responsible for the opinions, advice, statements, materials, presentations, data, images, videos or documentation and other information (collectively, the “Materials”) expressed or otherwise shared by guest contributors (including without limitation podcast guests, conference speakers, guest writers and participating companies and sponsors). The Materials are for informational purposes only, and the statements, views and opinions expressed at any presentation or in any Materials are those solely of the presenter and not of the EPIC Impact Society. Under no circumstance will EPIC Impact Society (or their respective board members, directors, officers, employees or agents) be liable for the accuracy, quality or reliability of any of the presentations or Materials, any defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of the presenters, or any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising from the presentations or Materials.

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